Predictive Insights

Answer the Critical Revenue Driving Questions to Unlock Business Growth

More than just an analytics platform, Lighthouse by NextBee helps you shape your company’s future by helping you target the right people, at the right times, with the right products. From forecasting your revenue so the finance department can budget, to finding the right times to promote, and even helping reduce email fatigue by promoting to customers who are most likely to buy, Lighthouse helps your business grow more efficiently than with any other platform.

Engagement and
Revenue Forecasting

Confidently & Accurately Predict Revenue with
Deep Data Models.

NextBee’s Engagement Engine leverages machine learning trained on your past campaigns to help you predict the number of customers that will engage with a campaign. Further, break those predictions down by segment and see the ROI boost from each so you can estimate engagement and costs in advance.

Anomaly Detection

Drive ROI by Accurately Predicting Sales
Trends & Timings

Anomaly detection, or finding users with unusual behavior at a certain time, is a central feature of NextBee’s Engagement Engine. Unless your users are subscription based, most users will experience times of increased and decreased engagement. By celebrating engagement at these moments, we see a customer’s time with the company increase by 15%.

Engaging Repeat Customers

Use Data to Know How Often to Email Customers

If you have ever asked yourself which subject line would be best, never wonder again with NextBee. Automated A/B testing is a benefit that takes all the guesswork out of your promotional messaging.

As you would expect, we typically see testing open rates of both push notifications and emails increased by 20%.

Referral and Social
Advocacy Targeting

Not Too Little, Not Too Much, Just Right…

NextBee’s Engagement Engine uses Machine Learning clustering algorithms and similarity scoring to help you find those users who are most likely to advocate for your brand. Further, we also find the moments when a customer is most likely to refer or advocate, allowing you to ask at the most likely time. Finally, let NextBee’s ROI calculators help you understand the expected value of each new customer so that you can choose an incentive that will optimize value for everyone.

Together, you can expect NextBee’s Machine Learning targeting to increase your advocacy by over 100%.

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